BG 10.29

अनन्तश्चास्मि नागानां वरुणो यादसामहम्। पितृ़णामर्यमा चास्मि यमः संयमतामहम्।।10.29।।

anantaśh chāsmi nāgānāṁ varuṇo yādasām aham pitṝīṇām aryamā chāsmi yamaḥ sanyamatām aham

anantaḥ—Anant; cha—and; asmi—I am; nāgānām—amongst snakes; varuṇaḥ—the celestial god of the ocean; yādasām—amongst aquatics; aham—I; pitṝīṇām—amongst the departed ancestors; aryamā—Aryama; cha—and; asmi—am; yamaḥ—the celestial god of death; sanyamatām—amongst dispensers of law; aham—I


I am Ananta among the Nagas; I am Varuna among water-deities; Aryaman among the Manes; I am Yama among the governors.


10.29 अनन्तः Ananta? च and? अस्मि (I) am? नागानाम् among Nagas? वरुणः Varuna? यादसाम् among watergods? अहम् I? पितृ़णाम् among the Pitris or ancestors? अर्यमा Aryaman? च and? अस्मि (I) am? यमः Yama? संयमताम् among governors? अहम् I.Commentary Ananta is the king of hooded serpents or cobras. He is firecoloured.Varuna is the king of the watergods.Waterdeities The gods connected with waters.Aryaman is the king of the manes.I am Yama? the witness of the acts of all living beings? who keeps account of the good and bad actions of the people.