BG 12.11

अथैतदप्यशक्तोऽसि कर्तुं मद्योगमाश्रितः।सर्वकर्मफलत्यागं ततः कुरु यतात्मवान्।।12.11।।

athaitad apy aśhakto ’si kartuṁ mad-yogam āśhritaḥ sarva-karma-phala-tyāgaṁ tataḥ kuru yatātmavān

atha—if; etat—this; api—even; aśhaktaḥ—unable; asi—you are; kartum—to work; mad-yogam—with devotion to me; āśhritaḥ—taking refuge; sarva-karma—of all actions; phala-tyāgam—to renounce the fruits; tataḥ—then; kuru—do; yata-ātma-vān—be situated in the self


If you are unable to do even this, then, resort to union with Me and renounce the fruits of all actions with self-control.


12.11 अथ if? एतत् this? अपि also? अशक्तः unable? असि (thou) art? कर्तुम् to do? मद्योगम् My Yoga? आश्रितः resorting to? सर्वकर्मफलत्यागम् the renunciation of the fruits of all actions? ततः then? कुरु do? यतात्मवान् selfcontrolled.Commentary This is the easiest path. If thou art unable to perform actions for My sake? if thou canst not even be intent on My service? if thou art unable to practise the

Bhagavata Dharmas? if thous wishest to do actions impelled by personal desires? then do thou perform them (for your sake from a sense of duty) renouncing them all in Me and also abandon the fruits of all actions? at the same time practising selfcontrol.In verse 8 the Yoga of meditation is prescribed for advanced students in verse 9 the Yoga of constant practice if one finds that? too? to be difficult?

the performance of actions for the sake of the Lord alone has been taught in verse 10 and those who cannot do even this are asked to abandon the fruits of all actions.Madyogam My Yoga. Surrendering all actions and their fruits to Me is My Yoga.Yatatmavan The man of discrimination who has controlled all the senses? who has withdrawn the senses from sound? touch? form? taste and smell.Now the Lord eulogises the renunciation of the fruits of all actions in order to encourage the aspirants to practise the Yoga of renunciation of the fruits of actions.