BG 1.41

अधर्माभिभवात्कृष्ण प्रदुष्यन्ति कुलस्त्रियः। स्त्रीषु दुष्टासु वार्ष्णेय जायते वर्णसङ्करः।।1.41।।

adharmābhibhavāt kṛiṣhṇa praduṣhyanti kula-striyaḥ strīṣhu duṣhṭāsu vārṣhṇeya jāyate varṇa-saṅkaraḥ

adharma—irreligion; abhibhavāt—preponderance; kṛiṣhṇa—Shree Krishna; praduṣhyanti—become immoral; kula-striyaḥ—women of the family; strīṣhu—of women; duṣhṭāsu—become immoral; vārṣhṇeya—descendant of Vrishni; jāyate—are born; varṇa-saṅkaraḥ—unwanted progeny


O Krishna, by the prevalence of impiety, the women of the family become corrupt; and, when women are corrupted, O Varshenya (descendant of Vrishni), intermingling of castes arises.


1.41 अधर्माभिभवात् from the prevalence of impiety? कृष्ण O Krishna? प्रदुष्यन्ति become corrupt? कुलस्त्रियः the women of the family? स्त्रीषु in women? दुष्टासु (being) corrupt? वार्ष्णेय O Varshneya? जायते arises? वर्णसङ्करः casteadmixture.No Commentary.