BG 10.2

न मे विदुः सुरगणाः प्रभवं न महर्षयः। अहमादिर्हि देवानां महर्षीणां च सर्वशः।।10.2।।

na me viduḥ sura-gaṇāḥ prabhavaṁ na maharṣhayaḥ aham ādir hi devānāṁ maharṣhīṇāṁ cha sarvaśhaḥ

na—neither; me—my; viduḥ—know; sura-gaṇāḥ—the celestial gods; prabhavam—origin; na—nor; mahā-ṛiṣhayaḥ—the great sages; aham—I; ādiḥ—the source; hi—certainly; devānām—of the celestial gods; mahā-ṛiṣhīṇām—of the great seers; cha—also; sarvaśhaḥ—in every way


Neither the hosts of the gods nor the great sages know My origin; for I am the source of all the gods and the great sages in every way.


10.2 Commentary Prabhavam Origin. It may also mean great lordly power.Maharshis great sages like Bhrigu.As I am the source of all these gods? sages and living beings? it is very difficult for them to know Me.Sarvasah In every way -- not only am I the source of all the gods and the sages but also their efficient cause? their inner ruler and the dispenser or ordainer and the guide of their intellect? etc.