BG 10.4

बुद्धिर्ज्ञानमसंमोहः क्षमा सत्यं दमः शमः। सुखं दुःखं भवोऽभावो भयं चाभयमेव च।।10.4।।

buddhir jñānam asammohaḥ kṣhamā satyaṁ damaḥ śhamaḥ sukhaṁ duḥkhaṁ bhavo ’bhāvo bhayaṁ chābhayameva cha

buddhiḥ—intellect; jñānam—knowledge; asammohaḥ—clarity of thought; kṣhamā—forgiveness; satyam—truthfulness; damaḥ—control over the senses; śhamaḥ—control of the mind; sukham—joy; duḥkham—sorrow; bhavaḥ—birth; abhāvaḥ—death; bhayam—fear; cha—and; abhayam—courage; eva—certainly; cha—and;


Intellect, wisdom, non-delusion, forgiveness, truth, self-restraint, calmness, happiness, pain, existence or birth, non-existence or death, fear, and also fearlessness.


10.4 बुद्धिः intellect? ज्ञानम् wisdom? असंमोहः nondelusion? क्षमा forgiveness? सत्यम् truth? दमः selfrestraint? शमः calmness? सुखम् happiness? दुःखम् pain? भवः birth or existence? अभावः nonexistence? भयम् fear? च and? अभयम् fearlessness? एव even? च and. Commentary Intellect is the power which the Antahkarana (the fourfold inner instrument -- the mind? the subconscious mind? intellect and egoism)

has of understanding subtle objects. Wisdom is knowledge of the Self. Nondelusion is freedom from illusion. It consists in acting with discrimination when anything has to be done or kown at the moment. Patience is the nonagitation of the mind when assaulted or abused. Not thinking of any harm of evil for those who ahve assulted or abused is also patience. Patience is enduring without lamentation the

three kinds of pains? Adhyatmika? Adhidaivika and Adhibhautika Taapas. Fever? etc.? is Adhyatmika pain. Pain or discomfort from severe cold? heat? too much rain? thunder? and lightning is Adhidaivika pain. Pain from scorpionsting? snakite? and wild animals is Adhibhautika pain.Satyam or truth is veracity. It is speaking of ones own actual or real experience of things as actually heard or seen. There

is not the least twisting or exaggeration or the slightest modification of facts. Dama or selfrestraint is control of the external senses. It is withdrawal of the senses (ear? skin? eyes? tongue and nose) from their respective objects (viz.? sound? touch? form? palatable foods and fragrance). Sama is calmness or tranillity of the mind produced by checking the mind from thinking of external objects

of the senses and by disconnecting it from the senses.Sukham Happiness. That which has Dharma or virtue as its chief cause and that which is favourable to all beings? is happiness. Duhkham That which has Adhrama as its cause and that which is unfavourable to all beings? is pain.That which appears is Bhavah. Sat is Bhavah. Asat or unreality is Abhavah.