BG 18.77
तच्च संस्मृत्य संस्मृत्य रूपमत्यद्भुतं हरेः। विस्मयो मे महान् राजन् हृष्यामि च पुनः पुनः।।18.77।।
tach cha sansmṛitya saṁsmṛitya rūpam aty-adbhutaṁ hareḥ vismayo ye mahān rājan hṛiṣhyāmi cha punaḥ punaḥ
tat—that; cha—and; sansmṛitya saṁsmṛitya—remembering repeatedly; rūpam—cosmic form; ati—most; adbhutam—wonderful; hareḥ—of Lord Krishna; vismayaḥ—astonishment; me—my; mahān—great; rājan—King; hṛiṣhyāmi—I am thrilled with joy; cha—and; punaḥ punaḥ—over and over again
And, remembering again and again that most wonderful form of Hari, I am filled with great wonder, O King; and I rejoice again and again.
18.77 तत् that? च and? संस्मृत्य having remembered? संस्मृत्य having remembered? रूपम् the form? अत्यद्भुतम् the most wonderful? हरेः of Hari? विस्मयः wonder? मे my? महान् great? राजन् O King? हृष्यामि (I) rejoice? च and? पुनः again? पुनः again.Commentary Form The Cosmic Form. (Cf.XI)