BG 5.19
इहैव तैर्जितः सर्गो येषां साम्ये स्थितं मनः। निर्दोषं हि समं ब्रह्म तस्माद्ब्रह्मणि ते स्थिताः।।5.19।।
ihaiva tair jitaḥ sargo yeṣhāṁ sāmye sthitaṁ manaḥ nirdoṣhaṁ hi samaṁ brahma tasmād brahmaṇi te sthitāḥ
iha eva—in this very life; taiḥ—by them; jitaḥ—conquer; sargaḥ—the creation; yeṣhām—whose; sāmye—in equanimity; sthitam—situated; manaḥ—mind; nirdoṣham—flawless; hi—certainly; samam—in equality; brahma—God; tasmāt—therefore; brahmaṇi—in the Absolute Truth; te—they; sthitāḥ—are seated
Even here in this world, those whose minds rest in reality overcome birth; Brahman is indeed spotless and real; therefore they are established in Brahman.
5.19 इह here? एव even? तैः by them? जितः is conered? सर्गः rirth or creation? येषाम् of whom? साम्ये in eality? स्थितम् established? मनः mind? निर्दोषम् spotless? हि indeed? समम् eal? ब्रह्म Brahman? तस्मात् therefore? ब्रह्मणि in Brahman? ते they? स्थिताः are established.Commentary When the mind gets rooted in eanimity or evenness or eality? when it is always in a balanced state? one coners birth
and death. Bondage is annihilated and freedom is attained by him. When the mind is in a perfectly balanced state he overcomes Brahman Himself? i.e.? realises Brahman.Brahman is ever pure and attributeless and so He is not affected even though He dwells in an outcaste? dog? etc. So He is spotless. He is homogeneous and one? as He dwells eally in all beings.