BG 5.6

संन्यासस्तु महाबाहो दुःखमाप्तुमयोगतः। योगयुक्तो मुनिर्ब्रह्म नचिरेणाधिगच्छति।।5.6।।

sannyāsas tu mahā-bāho duḥkham āptum ayogataḥ yoga-yukto munir brahma na chireṇādhigachchhati

sanyāsaḥ—renunciation; tu—but; mahā-bāho—mighty-armed one; duḥkham—distress; āptum—attains; ayogataḥ—without karm yog; yoga-yuktaḥ—one who is adept in karm yog; muniḥ—a sage; brahma—Brahman; na chireṇa—quickly; adhigachchhati—goes


But, O mighty-armed Arjuna, renunciation is hard to attain without Yoga; the sage who is in harmony with Yoga quickly goes to Brahman.


5.6 संन्यासः renunciation? तु but? महाबाहो O mightyarmed? दुःखम् hard? आप्तुम् to attain? अयोगतः without Yoga? योगयुक्तः Yogaharmonised? मुनिः Muni? ब्रह्म to Brahman? नचिरेण ickly? अधिगच्छति goes.Commentary Muni is one who does Manana (meditation or reflection). Yoga is performance of action without selfish motive as an offering unto the Lord.Brahman here signifies renunciation or Sannyasa because

renunciation consists in the knowledge of the Self. A Muni? the sage of meditation? the Yogaharmonised? i.e.? purified by the performance of action? ickly attains Brahman? the true renunciation which is devotion to the knowledge of the Self. Therefore Karma Yoga is better. It is easy for a beginner. It prepares him for the higher Yoga by purifying his mind.