BG 6.9
सुहृन्मित्रार्युदासीनमध्यस्थद्वेष्यबन्धुषु। साधुष्वपि च पापेषु समबुद्धिर्विशिष्यते।।6.9।।
suhṛin-mitrāryudāsīna-madhyastha-dveṣhya-bandhuṣhu sādhuṣhvapi cha pāpeṣhu sama-buddhir viśhiṣhyate
su-hṛit—toward the well-wishers; mitra—friends; ari—enemies; udāsīna—neutral persons; madhya-stha—mediators; dveṣhya—the envious; bandhuṣhu—relatives; sādhuṣhu—pious; api—as well as; cha—and; pāpeṣhu—the sinners; sama-buddhiḥ—of impartial intellect; viśhiṣhyate—is distinguished
He who is of the same mind towards the good-hearted, friends, enemies, the indifferent, the neutral, the hateful, the relatives, the righteous, and the unrighteous, excels.
6.9 सुह्यन्मित्रार्युदासीनमध्यस्थद्वेष्यबन्धुषु in the goodhearted? in friends? in enemies? in the indifferent? in neutrals? in haters and in relatives? साधुषु in the righteous? अपि also? च and? पापेषु in the unrighteous?,समबुद्धिः one who has eal mind? विशिष्यते excels.Commentary He excels He is the best among the Yogarudhas.Samabudhhi is eanimity or evenness of mind. A Yogi of Samabuddhi has eal
vision. He is ite impartial. He is the same to all. He makes no difference with reference to caste? creed or colour. He loves all as his own self? as rooted in the Self.A goodhearted man does good to others without expecting any servie from them in return.Udasina is one who is ite indifferent.A neutral is one who does not join any of the two contending parties. He stands as a silent spectator or witness.The
righteous are those who do righteous actions and follow the injunctions of the scriptures.The unrighteous are those who do wrong and forbidden actions? who inure others and who do not follow the scriptures.