BG 7.26

वेदाहं समतीतानि वर्तमानानि चार्जुन। भविष्याणि च भूतानि मां तु वेद न कश्चन।।7.26।।

vedāhaṁ samatītāni vartamānāni chārjuna bhaviṣhyāṇi cha bhūtāni māṁ tu veda na kaśhchana

veda—know; aham—I; samatītāni—the past; vartamānāni—the present; cha—and; arjuna—Arjun; bhaviṣhyāṇi—the future; cha—also; bhūtāni—all living beings; mām—me; tu—but; veda—knows; na kaśhchana—no one


I know, O Arjuna, the beings of the past, the present, and the future; however, no one knows Me.


7.26 वेद know? अहम् I? समतीतानि the past? वर्तमानानि the present? च and? अर्जुन O Arjuna? भविष्याणि the future? च and? भूतानि beings? माम् Me? तु verily? वेद knows? न not? कश्चन any one.Commentary Persons who are deluded by the three alities of Nature do not know the Lord. As they lack in the knowledge of His real nature? they do not adore Hi. But the Lord knows through His omniscience the beings

of the past? the present and the future. He who worships the Lord with singleminded devotion knows Him in essence. He has knowledge of His real nature.