BG 10.8

अहं सर्वस्य प्रभवो मत्तः सर्वं प्रवर्तते। इति मत्वा भजन्ते मां बुधा भावसमन्विताः।।10.8।।

ahaṁ sarvasya prabhavo mattaḥ sarvaṁ pravartate iti matvā bhajante māṁ budhā bhāva-samanvitāḥ

aham—I; sarvasya—of all creation; prabhavaḥ—the origin of; mattaḥ—from me; sarvam—everything; pravartate—proceeds; iti—thus; matvā—having known; bhajante—worship; mām—me; budhāḥ—the wise; bhāva-samanvitāḥ—endowed with great faith and devotion


I am the source of all; from me everything evolves; Understanding this, the wise, endowed with meditation, worship me.


10.8 अहम् I? सर्वस्य of all? प्रभवः the source? मत्तः from Me? सर्वम् everything? प्रवर्तते evolves? इति thus? मत्वा understanding? भजन्ते worship? माम् Me? बुधाः the wise? भावसमन्विताः endowed with meditation. Commentary Waves originate in water? depend on water and dissolve in water. The only support for the waves is water. Even so the only support for the whole world is the Lord. Realising this?

feeling the omnipresence of the Lord? the wise worship Him with devotion and affection in all places. The Supreme is the same in all countries and at all times. He is the material and the efficient cause.As Mulaprakriti or Avyaktam the Lord is the source of all forms. The Lord is the primum mobile. He gazes at His Sakti (creative power) and the whole world evolves and the forms move. The worldly man

who has neither sharp nor subtle intellect beholds the changing forms only through the fleshly eyes. He has no idea of the Indwelling Presence? the substratum? the allpervading intelligence or the blissful consciousness. He is allured by the passing forms. He fixes his hopes and joy on these transitory forms. He lives and exerts for them. He rejoices when he gets a wife and children. If these forms

pass away he is drowned in sorrow. But the wise ones constantly dwell in the Supreme? the source and the life of all? and enjoy the eternal bliss of the immortal? inner Self? their own nondual Atman? albeit all these forms around them change and pass away. They are steadfast in Yoga. They are endowed with unshakable Yoga. They are enthroned in Yoga. They worship the Supreme in contemplation and enjoy

the indescribable bliss of Nirvikalpa Samadhi.Para Brahman? known as Vaasudeva? is the source of the whole world. From Him alone evolves the whole world with all its changes? viz.? existence (Sthiti)? destruction (Nasa)? action (Kriya)? fruit (Phala) and enjoyment (Bhoga). Understanding thus? the wise adore the Supreme Being and engage themselves in profound meditation on the Absolute. (Cf.IX.10)