BG 13.25

ध्यानेनात्मनि पश्यन्ति केचिदात्मानमात्मना।अन्ये सांख्येन योगेन कर्मयोगेन चापरे।।13.25।।

dhyānenātmani paśhyanti kechid ātmānam ātmanā anye sānkhyena yogena karma-yogena chāpare

dhyānena—through meditation; ātmani—within one’s heart; paśhyanti—percieve; kechit—some; ātmānam—the Supreme soul; ātmanā—by the mind; anye—others; sānkhyena—through cultivation of knowledge; yogena—the yog system; karma-yogena—union with God with through path of action; cha—and; apare—others


Some behold the Self within themselves through meditation, others through the Yoga of knowledge, and still others through the Yoga of action.


13.25 ध्यानेन by meditation? आत्मनि in the self? पश्यन्ति behold? केचित् some? आत्मानम् the Self? आत्मना by the self? अन्ये others? सांख्येन योगेन by the Yoga of knowledge (by the Sankhya Yoga)? कर्मयोगेन by Karma Yoga? च and? अपरे others.Commentary There are severla paths to reach the knowledge of the Self according to the nature or temperament and capacity of the individual. The first path is the

Yoga of meditation taught by Maharshi Patanjali. The Raja Yogins behold the Supreme Self in the self (Buddhi) by the self (purified mind). Meditation is a continous and unbroken flow of thought of the Self like the flow of oil from one vessel to another. Through concentration hearing and the other senses are withdrawn into the mind. The senses are not allowed to run towards their respective sensual

objects. They are kept under proper check and control through the process of abstraction. Then the mind itself is made to abide in the Self through constant meditation on the Self. The mind is refined or purified by meditation. The mind that is rendered pure will naturally move towards the Self. It is not attracted by nor is it attached to the sensual objects.Sankhya Yoga is Jnana Yoga. The aspirant

does Vichara (analysis? reflection) and separates himself from the three alities of Nature? the three bodies and the five sheaths and identifies himself with the witness (Self). He thinks and feels? I am distinct from the three alities. I am the silent witness. I am unattached. I am nondoer. I am nonenjoyer. I am immortal? eternal? selfexistent? selfluminous? indivisible? unborn and unchanging.The

Karma Yogi surrenders his actions and their fruits to the Lord. He has Isvarapana Buddhi (intelligence that offers everything to God). This produces purity of mind which gives rise to knowledge of the Self. Karma Yoga brings about concentration of the mind through the purification of the mind. It leads to Yoga through the purification of the mind and so it is spoken of as Yoga itself.Those who practise

Sankhya Yoga are the highest class of spiritual aspirants. Those who practise the Yoga of meditation are aspirants of the middling class. Those who practise Karma Yoga are the lowest class of spiritual aspirants. The aspirants of the middling and lowest class soon become aspirants of the highest class through rigorous Sadhana or spiritual practices. (Cf.V.5VI.46)