BG 4.25

दैवमेवापरे यज्ञं योगिनः पर्युपासते। ब्रह्माग्नावपरे यज्ञं यज्ञेनैवोपजुह्वति।।4.25।।

daivam evāpare yajñaṁ yoginaḥ paryupāsate brahmāgnāvapare yajñaṁ yajñenaivopajuhvati

daivam—the celestial gods; eva—indeed; apare—others; yajñam—sacrifice; yoginaḥ—spiritual practioners; paryupāsate—worship; brahma—of the Supreme Truth; agnau—in the fire; apare—others; yajñam—sacrifice; yajñena—by sacrifice; eva—indeed; upajuhvati—offer


Some yogis perform sacrifice to the gods alone; while others, who have realized the Self, offer the Self as sacrifice in the fire of Brahman alone.


4.25 दैवम् pertaining to Devas? एव only? अपरे some? यज्ञम् sacrifice? योगिनः Yogis? पर्युपासते perform? ब्रह्माग्नौ in the fire of Brahman? अपरे others? यज्ञम् sacrifice? यज्ञेन by sacrifice? एव verily? उपजुह्वति offer as sacrifice.Commentary Some Yogis who are devoted to Karma Yoga perform sacrificial rites to the shining ones or Devas (gods). The second Yajna is JnanaYajna or the wisdom sacrifice

performed by those who are devoted to Jnana Yoga. The oblation in this sacrifice is the Self. Yajna here means the Self. The Upadhis or the limiting adjuncts such as the physical body? the mind? the intellect? etc.? which are superimposed on Brahman through ignorance are sublated and the identity of the individual soul with the Supreme Soul or Brahman is realised. To sacrifice the self in Brahman

is to know through direct cognition (Aparoksha Anubhuti) that the individual soul is identical with Brahman. This is the highest Yajna. Those who are established in Brahman? those who have realised their oneness with the Supreme Soul or Paramatma perform this kind of sacrifice. This is superior to all other sacrifices.