BG 4.39
श्रद्धावाँल्लभते ज्ञानं तत्परः संयतेन्द्रियः। ज्ञानं लब्ध्वा परां शान्तिमचिरेणाधिगच्छति।।4.39।।
śhraddhāvān labhate jñānaṁ tat-paraḥ sanyatendriyaḥ jñānaṁ labdhvā parāṁ śhāntim achireṇādhigachchhati
śhraddhā-vān—a faithful person; labhate—achieves; jñānam—divine knowledge; tat-paraḥ—devoted (to that); sanyata—controlled; indriyaḥ—senses; jñānam—transcendental knowledge; labdhvā—having achieved; parām—supreme; śhāntim—peace; achireṇa—without delay; adhigachchhati—attains
The one who is full of faith, devoted to it, and has subdued their senses obtains this knowledge; and upon obtaining the knowledge, they attain the supreme peace immediately.
4.39 श्रद्धावान् the man of faith? लभते obtains? ज्ञानम् knowledge? तत्परः devoted? संयतेन्द्रियः who has subdued the senses? ज्ञानम् knowledge? लब्ध्वा having obtained? पराम् supreme? शान्तिम् to peace? अचिरेण at once? अधिगच्छति attains.Commentary He who is full of faith? who constantly serves his Guru and hears his teachings? who has subdued the senses surely gets the knowledge and ickly attains
the supreme peace or salvation (Moksha). All the above three alifications are indispensable for an aspirant if he wants to attain to the supreme peace of the Eternal ickly. One alifiaction alone will not suffice. (Cf.X.10?11)