BG 9.15

ज्ञानयज्ञेन चाप्यन्ये यजन्तो मामुपासते। एकत्वेन पृथक्त्वेन बहुधा विश्वतोमुखम्।।9.15।।

jñāna-yajñena chāpyanye yajanto mām upāsate ekatvena pṛithaktvena bahudhā viśhvato-mukham

jñāna-yajñena—yajña of cultivating knowledge; cha—and; api—also; anye—others; yajantaḥ—worship; mām—me; upāsate—worship; ekatvena—undifferentiated oneness; pṛithaktvena—separately; bahudhā—various; viśhwataḥ-mukham—the cosmic form


Others also, sacrificing with the wisdom-sacrifice, worship Me, the All-Faced, as one, distinct, and manifold.


9.15 ज्ञानयज्ञेन with the wisdomsacrifice? च and? अपि also? अन्ये others? यजन्तः sacrificing? माम् Me?,उपासते worhsip? एकत्वेन as one? पृथक्त्वेन as different? बहुधा in various ways? विश्वतोमुखम् the Allfaced.Commentary Others too sacrificing by the wisdomsacrifice? i.e.? seeing the Self in all? adore Me the One and the manifold? present everywhere. They regard all the forms they see as the forms

of God? all sounds they hear as the names of God. They give all objects they eat as offerings unto the Lord in vaious ways.Some adore Him with the knowledge that there is only one Reality? the Supreme Being Who is ExistenceKnowledgeBliss. They identify themselves with the Truth or Brahman. This is the Monistic view of the Vedantins. Some worship Him making a distinction between the Lord and themselves

with the attitude of master and servant. This is the view of the Dualistic School of philosophy. Some worship Him with the knowledge that He exists as the various divinities? Brahma? Vishnu? Rudra? Siva? etc.Visvatomukham Others worship Him who has assumed all the manifold forms in the world? Who exists in all the forms as the Allfaced (the one Lord exists in all the different forms with His face on all sides? as it were). (Cf.IV.33)