BG 9.16
अहं क्रतुरहं यज्ञः स्वधाऽहमहमौषधम्। मंत्रोऽहमहमेवाज्यमहमग्निरहं हुतम्।।9.16।।
ahaṁ kratur ahaṁ yajñaḥ svadhāham aham auṣhadham mantro ’ham aham evājyam aham agnir ahaṁ hutam
aham—I; kratuḥ—Vedic ritual; aham—I; yajñaḥ—sacrifice; svadhā—oblation; aham—I; aham—I; auṣhadham—medicinal herb; mantraḥ—Vedic mantra; aham—I; aham—I; eva—also; ājyam—clarified butter; aham—I; agniḥ—fire; aham—I; hutam—the act offering;
I am Kratu; I am Yajna; I am the offering to the manes; I am the medicinal herbs and all plants; I am the Mantra; I am also the ghee or melted butter; I am the fire; I am the oblation.
9.16 अहम् I? क्रतुः sacrifice? अहम् I? यज्ञः the sacrifice? स्वधा the offering to Pitris or ancestors? अहम् I? अहम् I? औषधम् the medicinal herbs and all plants? मन्त्रः sacred syllable? अहम् I? अहम् I? एव also? आज्यम् ghee or clarified butter? अहम् I? अग्निः the fire? अहम् I? हुतम् the offering.Commentary Kratu is a kind of Vedic sacrifice.Yajna is the worship enjoined in the Smriti or the holy books
laying down lay and the code of conduct.I am the Mantra? the chant with which the oblation is offered to the manes or ancestors? and the shining ones (the Devatas or gods).Hutam also means the act of offering.Aushadham All plants including rice and barley or medicine that can cure diseases. (Cf.IV.24)