BG 2.60

यततो ह्यपि कौन्तेय पुरुषस्य विपश्चितः। इन्द्रियाणि प्रमाथीनि हरन्ति प्रसभं मनः।।2.60।।

yatato hyapi kaunteya puruṣhasya vipaśhchitaḥ indriyāṇi pramāthīni haranti prasabhaṁ manaḥ

yatataḥ—while practicing self-control; hi—for; api—even; kaunteya—Arjun, the son of Kunti; puruṣhasya—of a person; vipaśhchitaḥ—one endowed with discrimination; indriyāṇi—the senses; pramāthīni—turbulent; haranti—carry away; prasabham—forcibly; manaḥ—the mind


The turbulent senses, O Arjuna, can violently carry away the mind of a wise person, even though they are striving to control them.


2.60 यततः of the striving? हि indeed? अपि even? कौन्तेय O Kaunteya (son of Kunti)? पुरुषस्य of man? विपश्चितः (of the) wise? इन्द्रियाणि the senses? प्रमाथीनि turbulent? हरन्ति carry away? प्रसभम् violently? मनः the mind.Commentary The aspirant should first bring the senses under his control. The senses are like horses. If you keep the horses under your perfect control you can reach your destinaton

safely. Turbulent horses will throw you down on the way. Even so the turbulent senses will hurl you down into the objects of the senses and you cannot reach your spiritual destination? viz.? Param Dhama (the supreme abode) or the abode of eternal peace and immortality or Moksha (final liberation). (Cf.III.33V.14).