BG 2.61

तानि सर्वाणि संयम्य युक्त आसीत मत्परः। वशे हि यस्येन्द्रियाणि तस्य प्रज्ञा प्रतिष्ठिता।।2.61।।

tāni sarvāṇi sanyamya yukta āsīta mat-paraḥ vaśhe hi yasyendriyāṇi tasya prajñā pratiṣhṭhitā

tāni—them; sarvāṇi—all; sanyamya—subduing; yuktaḥ—united; āsīta—seated; mat-paraḥ—toward me (Shree Krishna); vaśhe—control; hi—certainly; yasya—whose; indriyāṇi—senses; tasya—their; prajñā—perfect knowledge pratiṣhṭhitā


Having restrained them all, he should sit steadfast, intent on Me; his wisdom is steady whose senses are under control.


2.61 तानि them? सर्वाणि all? संयम्य having restrained? युक्तः joined? आसीत should sit? मत्परः intent on Me? वशे under control? हि indeed? यस्य whose? इन्द्रियाणि senses? तस्य his? प्रज्ञा wisdom? प्रतिष्ठिता is settled.Commentary He should control the senses and sit focussed on Me as the Supreme? with a calm mind. The wisdom of the Yogi who thus seated has brought all his senses under subjugation

is doubtless ite steady. He is established in the Self. Sri Sankaracharya explains Asita Matparah as He should sit contemplating I am no other than He. (Cf.II.64).